In this house, we all have agreed jobs.
And among us is one whose attitude to their tasks is beyond reproach.
One who performs her duties with such meticulous care and indefatigability that ordinary people gather together and kneel in awe.
Poppy, the domestic paragon.
She has only 2 jobs. But damn if she doesn't do them well.
The first is to assist me on Fridays when it's time for the linen change.
All I need do is sing out, "Poppy, it's time to..." and she arrives, an excited blur, direct from the garden before I can even finish the "...change the bed".
Some days she even brings me a lovely clump of damp wisteria leaves and spider web bits and pieces too.
The second is to appear from nowhere every night at sundown and sit patiently on the cane box by the study window, waiting patiently for the birds who live in the tree just outside, to arrive home. Once they're settled in bed and I've pulled down the blind so that they're not disturbed by the lights, she sticks her head behind the blind and guards them until they go to sleep. ;O)
Now, if only ALL of us could feel and display such enthusiasm for our most mundane tasks...
Clair, you're the only person I know who comes close. ;O)
I kneel at your robe.
1 comment:
Ooooohhhh that post moves me. Makes my heart smile. Poppy is a good cat oh yes siree. She is a good "guarder" of birds.
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