Hands up who didn't think this was going to turn into Auntie Simone's cats'n'quilts corner?
We haven't met then, have we?
I spent Saturday morning pinning 200 safety pins into this thing.
I spent Sunday machine quilting.
ALL Sunday.
I finished just in time to watch the Souths game.
Thank God I did too, because missing that gem would have be awful. But I'm not ready to talk about that.
Furthering my theory of our 2 older cats Alice, and now also Phoebe, reading my blog and becoming insecure due to the praise I recently lavished upon Poppy, I was treated to some world-class fuzzy assistance with the quilting.
Oh joy.
As you can see, Phoebe came in from the rain and parked her soggy wet arse all over Ranga's quilt while my back was turned.
Surely she's worth every one of the $10 we paid for her. ;O)
I'm going to be kind hearted and give her B of the D and assume she believed that in some small way that she was contributing.
The fact is, she was in a large way, thwarting my efforts completely.
Soon after Idiot Number One was dispatched, Idiot Number Two arrived, hot on her heels.
Alice being the backwards cat that she is, helped me by burrowing underneath the quilt (creating and unsightly lump) and swatting aggressively at my hands at even imperceptible movements.
So, after kisses and hugs had been exchanged, I closed the door on their attempts to impress and assist me for the rest of the afternoon.
Hopefully now that their efforts have been recorded in cyber space, they will read this and then be able to relax, secure in the knowledge that even if their one task is to lie around on the bed being fuzzy, then that's always a big help to me anyway. :O)
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