I'm not sure that this will be enough fabric for 2 days of sewing.
What do you think?
Oh dear.
My packing is always generous.
But the way my brain is functioning (or not) at the moment means that I've had to pack any piece of fabric that that currently takes my fancy, just in case I need it.
Mostly this is because my usual planning capacity is AWOL, but some of it is honestly because I don't know exactly what I'm going to be making.
No, I don't buy that either.
Oh well, at least Clair and I will have something to pee on should the need arise.
No, I'm not going to explain that.
So, I have been through the fabric check list:
- lime green leopard print - check
- yellow leopard skin print -check
- Sailor Bob tattoo fabric - check
- lesbian Go-Go dancers fabric - check
- green toasters fabric - check
- green retro salt and pepper shakers fabric - check
- 1950'5 uber sexist,Valium encrusted women bending over in heels as they make their man's coffee fabric - check
- retro wireless radio fabric - check
- green retro 1950's hausfrau(s) washing curtains/mopping in formal wear and looking at own reflection in shiny saucepan fabric - check
- 542 other fat quarters chosen for no specific reason
Looks like a weekend of shameless free-balling coming up.
Good taste be damned.
PS I think I may be an idiot.
Whilst I'm not one for sewing, those really are the coolest pieces of fabric. Little slices of fun art, and it's your job to bring them together. Pretty neat. Well yeah, if you can avoid peeing on them.. lol
I didn't pee on your fabric but the toaster fabric looked lovely after I wiped my arse on it ;-)
Those fabrics are phenomenal!
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