His name is Meinhardt, and in true Bavarian style, he don't give no shit how he looks, OK? It's practical, so he's wearing it.
In fact, this outfit (complete with toe) is soooooooo damn practical and comfy, maybe it should become the national costume.
Never happen.

And this is stuff I made.
I love this little guy.
I cross stitched him and left him lying around in my bedside table (I think we all know how scary that can be) for a few years.
Then I gave him to Jeff, who put him in his bedside drawers (Lordy, Lordy, Lordy).
Then I think he spent a few years in my sewing cupboard before I rescued him and framed him with fabric given to me by Clair.
Now he guards the laundry from mozzies and so forth.

It took me 2 years to complete, although it must have sat idle for 6 months atleast.
Those last 6 months I whipped myself to finish it.
It then took almost 5 years before I could look at it and appreciate it's beauty again without just seeing it as fragments.
I'd tell you what I think about working with metallic thread but I don't know how to spell Yugo obscenities too well and I doubt spell check would be any use.

But not as much as I would have liked . ;O)

Some people would sew the face on first. My priorities are a little different I guess.
Seriously though, where would we be today without sequins and pearls?
See above wording on owl cross stitch.
Well, that was some stuff I happened to walk past today while I had the camera in my hand.
It could have been worse.
Not kidding.
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