Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yellow circley pricks.

Did another 20 something of those evil little yellow circley bastards.

Did not enjoy my own company during this ordeal.

Am trying to get the pricks finished before I take myself off to Clair's to sew with her, Daniel, Dawn and Charm the Craft Diva next week.

No way I'll be able to hold all my cussing in if I have to work on circles at Clair's.

Bad enough I had to gag myself in the Souths corporate box in front of Dad at the weekend.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't holding it back for Dad's sake, I'm just saddened he never got to see me at my best.
Nevertheless, I let out plenty of the following:-

Ahh, ya fah!!

That's not a fahh ahh ya dirty fahh!!!

Fahh ya fahh shi awwwgit cocksahhhh, pri.!!!

Cock shhh mahhfahh monkey fahh Jesus wept yaaa dopey son of a farrrrrrkk!


Anonymous said...

what do you mean! we're not allowed to cuss at clairs place anymore? shit! i'm fucked.

what day are you planning on coming over... so i can plan my stay :)

Auntie Simone said...

I'll come when you're there. I heard you make a good cup of tea.

Anonymous said...

i do make a good cup of tea!

damnit. that just reminded me that i still havent posted michaels teacozy! i guess i'll just bring it with me :)