Ohhhh, shiiiiiiiit.
I accidentally made another quilt.
I didn't mean to, I was just looking for an excuse not to spend all day dealing with a very painful stage of making my dad's jigsaw quilt, and I happened to notice those 6 squares of various 6 inch purple fabrics from that mail out block swap which never really took off.
"Better sew those fuckers together", I thought.
But now those fuckers currently number 121 fully sewn squares, and despite the fact that I was busily cutting, ironing, swearing and hammering them through the sewing machine at an incredible pace, I had no idea who those fuckers were for.
Purple's OK. I like purple.
I thought maybe I'd make it for my friend Pam, who could use it in her spiritual healing room. Or for my 10 year old niece, Yassie.
Nah, Yasmin's a green girl like me.
In the midst of my excitement, I closed my eyes, and just tried to match the vibe of the fabric (don't I sound flakey?) with the person....MAHEB!!!
The original purple FREAK!
Going through a rough patch too. Perfect!
At that precise moment, Jeff magically appeared at the door and handed me the phone......MAHEB!
Now, I can keep a secret, but not if it's my own.
Yours are quite safe, don't worry.
So, poor thing, within 10 seconds she knew I was making her a quilt, knew that it was purple, knew that it was all deliberately sewn backwards and that I'd knicked off to the belligerent quilting cow shop that very morning in order to expand my purple stash from plenty to fucking ridiculous, thank you very much.
A healthy stash is a beautiful thing. It really is.
Then today, I scrunched up said quilt top in my new Souths bag and tootled off to work with it for show and tell.
I also took the lunch box full of lollies that were left over from the re-make of Nanna's lolly jar blog.
We had a good day. ;O)
When I said that I'd sewn it all backwards, I meant it.
Once you clip the seams, they go all shaggy and look really cool.
And when I said I visited a belligerent fabric cow, I meant that too.
She's my hero.
She has a huge quad garage out the back of her suburban house filled with fabric.
And cats.
And it's all at a fraction of the cost that it is in a normal patchwork store.
But the best thing is that she really and truly hates people.
I'm down with that.
But I find it so enjoyable to watch her try to contain her angst that I feel compelled to engage her in annoying friendly conversation, even at the expense of my own health and mental well being.
It's hilarious.
She grunts out only the most basic pleasantries with such disdain and barely disguised disgust, that I can't help but see it as the all clear to demand more from her.
I ensure that the tone of my voice remains hideously familiar and invasive. I pepper her with the type of questions that she would clearly rather lose a limb than have to answer.
And I enjoy myself immensely.
As I leave I say "OK!!! Bye!!!I'll see you soon!!!", with all the energy and moderation you would usually reserve for dropping a 3 year old at day care.
My God, she must loathe the very sight of me.
But I love the very sight of her.
It's a symbiotic relationship.
And you know what I like about that place so much?
Apart from the fabric and the belligerent fabric cow?
Usually when you buy fabric -even from Ebay, the retailer will tell you that it comes from a smoke free, pet free environment.
At this joint, I swear to you, she often has three lit cigarettes in each hand at any one time and there are 2 cats and a dog who hang around in there and sleep on the fabric.
I have picked up bolts before only to find them covered with ginger fluffs, and lots of it.
Saves my cats time.
If I ever find a print with a coughed up hair ball, I'm buying the entire bolt. Stuff it.
The smell of stale smoke is so intense that you must wash and air everything for days to restore it to health.
And God help you if you cough in there. She lights up deliberately and stares at you, willing you to object...
As much as I hate cigarette smoke, I immediately move straight over to where she is, in a bid to confound her and her dastardly plan.
So far, so good.
* hack* hack* hack*
PS Gretchen. I in no way forgot that you are a purple girl, or that you really want a quilt. I will bring you something special when I come tailgating/Bundrenetting. Just calm down.
Bundrenetting! I can't wait.
I'm doing it right now!
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