I don't know about you, but I would go to the zoo to see something like this. ---------------->
Most days I wake up with it parked on my chest staring into my eyes even before they are open.
She smells like kisses and perhaps just faintly like cat biscuits too.
During the last 4 years, I've learnt to sleep flat on my back in order to accommodate Poppy's love affair with my neck, despite the discomfort it causes me. Sometimes I hear her arriving on the bed and think,
"Oh noooo...I'm so comfortable on my side...", yet the instant that first white pompom touches me, I rearrange myself happily.
I wonder if that counts towards my karma somewhere?
She's currently sitting on me as I type this, with her face tucked under my chin, my left arm encircling and supporting her, thereby disallowing any use of capital letters and my comfort in general.
Not a bad turn around for a flea ridden gutter waif.
Hooray for Pompoms.
That photo belongs on your facebook page with an appropriate caption.
I only do inappropriate captions.
so sweet
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