Thursday, March 27, 2008


I started working in health care at 15. Sick people have always been a big part of my life.

Not too long ago, I found an old pay slip in a book where I had been using it as a bookmark circa 1990.
$9.05 per hour. LOL
And for doing the most atrocious type of work possible. Caring for the broken living and eventually washing the dead bodies of women I'd grown to think of my Nanna's (I've had hundreds and they were all special).

Still working with the broken, but most days it's usually only the breaking whom I treat. Strange then that the worth of much easier work is so much more.

But finally, this very week in the planet's history, the universe has listened to my prayers (of sorts) and decided to pay me in fabric rather than dollars. There are a few of you who will comprehend my excitement and sense of triumph. Clair, I'm looking at you. ;O) haha

This, I feel, is how it should be. Does that make me a communist? Or just an idiot? Get your food and board for free and then just get paid in your own unique currency? Anyway, before I'm run away with by my utopian concepts, allow me to explain.

A few weeks ago, my stepmother's cousin asked me for help with a weird and debilitating health problem which she had been experiencing for many months. After many medical pokings and proddings, they diagnosed her with an "I don't know".

Of course, to a Naturopath, this diagnosis is simply a universal directive to bust out the homoeopathics. And this was done and posted just as soon as I'd actually remembered to do it.

So, around 3 weeks later, after the symptoms suddenly disappeared by 90%, I received in the mail a lovely thank you card plus payment in the form of a Spotlight voucher. LOL ;O)


Sir Thomas More, I salute you!


John Patten said...

The personal currency idea is pretty cool. Rather than fabric, I think I'd go with BD&M transcripts. :)

clairbear said...

Get rid of the third from the right. I think its growing something.

clairbear said...

The other comment was about the hand cream, this one is about spotlight.

Spotlight OWE us a lot for visiting their stores, especially the one that used to be at Merrylands. Take the payment and run.