Just over a week ago, we had no fish in the house - except Frubert the unusually calm Siamese Fighting Fish.
Now we have my two boys from work as well as two baby koi, named Virgil and (O)baki.
My work boys, currently on their fourth set of names in five years, are known as Wartie and The Big One.
I had to fetch them home from the dispensary at work because we're moving and there is no-one there atm who knows about fish care.
Also, moving fish is a tricky business, and if it was attempted without me and it went wrong, I would be devastated.
So, for something different this year, they've spent the last few days watching me do the Xmas baking and such.
They're used to watching me, we've lived in pretty close quarters these past five years.
What these two don't know about natural health and the problems of the good people of Merrylands is nobody's guess.
It's OK though, they they're not blabbers.
Right next door to their South Sydney tank is the hatchery.
This was certainly an unplanned pregnancy.
I sent Hell Boy down to the corner store for cream, and he returned with koi.
Bill, the crazy Chinese guy who owns the store is a fellow koi enthusiast, and often pops in to visit our fish as well Hell Boy himself.
In fact, when the boys recently upgraded their pond, it meant that they suddenly had two 1500L ponds to spare.
Bill decided he would like to buy one from us, but within a matter of days, his tiny little wife came up and determined that he was not allowed.
Maybe two weeks later, Hell Boy came in laughing and told me he'd just struck the deal of the century with Bill.
"Get this," he said, "Bill's going to buy both ponds for $600. But, he's telling his wife he's only paying $250.Then, every few days, he's going to sneak up here and slip me $200 cash. I love that guy."
Being that each pond was worth that much, it didn't seem like such a hot deal to me, but we decided it was worth a few hundred just for the anecdote.
True to his word, Bill snuck up every few days when wifey wasn't looking, and slipped Jeff the blood money in an incredibly conspicous manner.
As Bill's shop is also a small garden centre, so he's using the ponds to grow and store water plants as well as baby koi.
He actually came to the last koi auction with us and bought around twenty white and blue baby koi.
Since Hell Boy's last trip to pick up cream, Bill now has only eighteen blue and white baby koi.
The other two are parked next to Wartie and The Big One.
Obaki is the Japanese word for ghost. He's the white fish.
But we quickly noticed that he has a habit of facing you and barking at you, so within a couple of days, his name was shortened to Baki.
Yoga Boy prefers to call him Baba-bow-bow-bow.
Virgil was my choice because it's just a super cool name, although I did consider Bela and Nosferatu, due to the fact that he has a rather pronounced widow's peak and his koi moustache looks like fangs.
So, our kitchen is standing room only.
Well, that's not true, there's plenty of space for them and they're welcome for as long as they'd like to stay.
Once the little boys are big enough not to be harrassed by the others, they'll be tossed into the pond anyway, and my fruit bowl can return to it's original position.
OK, to the strudel.
Fucking Apple Strudel, I hate it.
I decided to use Filo pastry this time instead of puff and I chose to include rum soaked raisins in the Viennese tradition.
During the course of the morning, I found I cannot tell you how many jobs required my urgent attention, just in a bid to dodge the inevitable.
I had the filling ready to go, the pastry defrosted and unrolled, the oven on, and I found myself outside, hanging over the balcony, chatting to Hell Boy as he sorted out the pond's filtration system.
He knew immediately what I was up to. Or not up to.
He surprised the absolute crap out of me by saying,
"I'll come up and help you."
This was his first encounter with Filo pastry.
You must peel two layers off, spray it with oil or butter and repeat until your pastry is as thick as you'd like.
He quickly diagnosed Filo pastry as having a "design fault".
Anyway, we got the layers sorted, with my agitation nearing 9/10, thus leaving me still functional.
Then came the dreaded stage of rolling the fucking thing up so that the filling doesn't spill out the sides, the pastry doesn't rip and the liquid from the apples doesn't seep out and wreck the pastry.
After three attempts, I was honestly crying tears of rage and I need not tell you that there was swearing.
A nasty mash of English, Yugo and Lebanese. This is what happens when I'm really frustrated - my language centre overloads and I speak in tongues.
At this very moment, Hell Boy says t me,
"Should I be filming this for your blog?"
I returned with, "Don't pick me! Not over strudel!"
Only really a handful of things that shit me as much as strudel.
The Roosters.
Repetitive unpleasant noise/breakfast radio.
The vacuum cleaner becoming unplugged while I'm using it.
Anyhow, four fish got to see the whole thing, and they still love me.
And you know the worst thing of all?
That fucking evil strudel turned out perfectly as if to annoy me further still.
Evil prick of a dessert.